

Jest 25 produktów.

Pokazano 1-25 z 25 pozycji

The Imparable Logic and Psychology in Chess - Boroljub Zlatanovic (K-6384)

Understanding and logic are everything you need with static positions on the board.

A chess game is full of decision-making moments, and there are many methods you should use to find solutions.

We will present a wide spectrum of ideas that will help you to decide.

164,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Chess Pub Quiz Puzzle Book - Dimitri Reinderman (K-6253)

The most famous team ever participating in a chess pub quiz was MC Hammer. The team members are pretty decent chess players and happened to know their bit of chess trivia and chess history. Do you know or can you guess their names?

This book offers a collection of hundreds of chess trivia and chess-related trivia. You can use it by yourself, solving puzzles. Or you can use the book for multiple thematic pub quizzes at your local chess café or chess club.

Enjoy. The best game ever.

85,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Attacking Chess: The French - Simon Williams (K-6215)

Grandmaster Simon Williams presents an ambitious opening repertoire for Black in the ever-popular French Defence. One of the world's most creative players combines his attacking alent with the traditionally solid French structure, resulting in a powerful armoury of opening weapons. This will prove ideal for players who like to seize the initiative and cause problems for their opponents from the outset. Williams' recommendations in the French are based on his own repertoire which he has successfully employed at Grandmaster level.

99,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The AI Revolution in Chess - Joshua Doknjas (K-6212)

In 2018 DeepMind published the shocking results of their chess-playing artificial intelligence software, AlphaZero. Chess players looked in disbelief and immediately wondered how AI would affect the future of chess. Less than a year later, a whole new wave of chess engines emerged that were based on using neural networks to evaluate positions in a completely new way. This book is about the extraordinary impact that AI has had on modern chess.

119,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Chess Battles of Hastings - Jürgen Brustkern, Norbert Wallet (K-6208)

Stories and Games of the Oldest Chess Tournament in the World

No other chess tournament has such a long and rich history as the annual gathering 'in between the years' at the English seaside resort of Hastings. Countless chess players, professionals, and amateurs alike have celebrated Christmas and welcomed the New Year in Hastings while battling it out on the chessboard.

155,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Ink War. Romanticism vs Modernity in Chess - Willy Hendriks (K-6205)

The rivalry between William Steinitz and Johannes Zukertort, the world's strongest chess players in the late nineteenth century, became so fierce that it was named The Ink War. They fought their battle on the chessboard and in various chess magazines and columns. 

159,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Analyzing the Chess Mind - Boris Gulko, Joel R. Sneed (K-6124) -20%
  • -20%

Analyzing the Chess Mind - Boris Gulko, Joel R. Sneed (K-6124)

Analyzing the Chess Mind is an exploration of psychology in chess. Psychology affects the chess moves we make, as the authors entertainingly illustrate in expertly annotated examples, but our personal chess psychology is not fixed. We can improve our chess psychology, and the authors show how.

111,20 zł Cena podstawowa 139,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Bilet. Szachowe eseje - Genna Sosonko (K-5897)

Genna Sosonko (Геннадий Борисович Сосонко, 1943) — международный гроссмейстер, двукратный чемпион Голландии. Эмигрировал из Советского Союза в 1972 году и с тех пор живет в Амстердаме. Победитель и призер многих международных турниров. Будучи известным журналистом и комментатором, последнюю четверть века посвящает и литературному труду.

По мнению 13‑го чемпиона мира Гарри Каспарова, сегодня Генна Сосонко — «бесспорно пишущий шахматист номер один».

В своей новой книге автор рассказывает о секретах успеха, интересных событиях и проблемах в шахматном мире, а также об избранниках Каиссы — Ласкере, Капабланке, Корчном, Каспарове, Карлсене и других знаменитостях.

Для широкого круга любителей шахмат.

49,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Graj zgodnie z zasadami! Wydanie drugie, rozszerzone i poprawione - Aleksander Tkaczew (K-5899)

Первая часть – официальные правила вида спорта «шахматы», утвержденные приказом Министерства спорта РФ от 17 июля 2017 г. № 654 в редакции приказа Министерства спорта РФ от 19 декабря 2017 г. № 1087; они полностью соответствуют международным правилам ФИДЕ.

Во второй части освещены основные функции компьютерной программы Swiss-Manager, даны практические рекомендации по ее применению при организации и проведении шахматных соревнований.

Особый интерес представляет третья часть книги: 200 вопросов теста на знание и правильную трактовку актуальных правил шахмат. Решение этого теста окажет большую пользу действующим шахматистам, поскольку четкое знание своих «прав и обязанностей» не только помогает сберечь нервную систему, но и приносит немало дополнительных очков в соревнованиях.

Книга адресована всем любителям шахмат, от новичков до профессионалов.

Незаменимый помощник арбитров и организаторов шахматных соревнований.

29,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Think Like a Machine - Noam Manella, Zeev Zohar (K-5857) Think Like a Machine - Noam Manella, Zeev Zohar (K-5857) -20%
  • -20%

Think Like a Machine - Noam Manella, Zeev Zohar (K-5857)

With the ascent of computer technology, humans have a chance to develop their thinking process based on hard evidence. Think Like a Machine explores human limitations and proposes new avenues for human thinking, inspired by computer engines.

In positions taken almost exclusively from modern tournament play, the authors present jaw-dropping continuations which humans struggle to find, not due to lower human computing power, due to conceptual and perceptual limitations. In this book these “crazy” moves are analysed and categorised. If you want to expand your chess imagination, understanding and intuition, Think Like a Machine is the book is for you.

Think Like A Machine is the second chess book co-written by Noam Manella and Zeev Zohar . Manella is a digital and Social Networks Researcher; Zohar is an accountant and businessman. Their previous book, Play Unconventional Chess and Win, was a highlight in chess publishing in 2014.

106,40 zł Cena podstawowa 133,00 zł
0 Opinia(e)