

Jest 169 produktów.

Pokazano 1-40 z 169 pozycji
Drill Your Chess Strategy!... -7%
  • -7%

Drill Your Chess Strategy! - GM Miloje Ratkovi, IM Milovan Ratkovi (K-6406)

500 hand-picked training exercises with detailed solutions.

Why not just to have a simple puzzle book where you are supposed to find best move in each position? Every single position is picked carefully and this method will help you develop different strategic concepts and patterns. There are no chapters or indicative names or comments to help you find solution more easily. Just positions. ”Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication“ - Leonardo da Vinci.

138,57 zł Cena podstawowa 149,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Think Like Ivanchuk - Viktor Moskalenko (K-6403)

Think Like Ivanchuk is a celebration of a true chess genius. This book is a collection of Vasyl Ivanchuk's best games, a chess biography and a highly entertaining training manual all in one.

129,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Woodpecker Method 2 - Axel Smith (K-5426/2)


Since its publication in 2018 The Woodpecker Method has been the go-to manual among chess players with a thirst for tactical improvement. The Woodpecker Method 2 is the long-awaited sequel, designed to skyrocket your positional decision-making skills

149,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Key Elements of Chess Strategy - Georgy Lisitsin (K-6348) Key Elements of Chess Strategy - Georgy Lisitsin (K-6348) -15%
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Key Elements of Chess Strategy - Georgy Lisitsin (K-6348)

Georgy Lisitsin (1909-72) was a respected Soviet master, theoretician and writer. In 1958 he published a revised edition of his most ambitious work, entitled Strategy and Tactics of Chess, which became one of the most legendary manuals in the Soviet chess school, and no doubt one of the books that motivated the young Bobby Fischer to learn Russian.

109,65 zł Cena podstawowa 129,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Positional Sacrifice in Modern Chess - Nikola Nestorovic, Dejan Nestorovic (K-6342)

The sequel, or the second part of the “Secrets of Positional Sacrifice” manual is titled “Positional Sacrifice in Modern Chess”. We assume that readers will conclude that the subject of our analysis are recently played games, especially the games played over the last few years. The book is intended for chess players who aspire to raise the level of positional play in this particular field of expertise, as well as coaches working on chess education.

157,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Sharpen up your chess - Boost your chess results - Armin Juhasz (K-6330)

The clarity, simplicity, and pure instructiveness of this book is striking.

The analysis is first rate, the commentary cogent, and the production excellent.

The emphasis is on general principles that readers will be able to use in their own games.

The key is to always stay ahead of your opponent and know how to control the chaos on the chess board. Armin Juhasz explains all this in detail without losing sight of practical decision making.

With the right strategies, anyone can become a champion and level up their game to become unstoppable. This book is for the ambitious and keen player!

170,00 zł
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The Modernized Anti-Sicilians. Część 2 - Ravi Haria (K-6328)

In this second and final volume of the Anti-Sicilian series, the author covers all alternatives to 2…Nc6.

The Moscow variation is the only critical alternative to 3.d4 that has caused any concerns for Black, and the author’s choices in this variation were mainly selected by their ability to create practical difficulties for the opponent. Against 3…Nd7, the author analyses two distinct options, either castling immediately or first playing 4.a4.

158,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

World Chess Champion Strategy Training for Club Players - Thomas Willemze (K-6313)

From Bobby Fischer to Ding Liren

Chess players can look ahead, formulate a clear plan, and act accordingly. That's why chess is the perfect learning environment for becoming a strategic expert. But how do you train this? It starts with playing many games and analysing them carefully afterwards.

115,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Szachowa metodyka | Podstawy strategii gry środkowej - Savely Tartakover (K-6284)

1-й половины 20-го века Савелия Тартаковера никогда ранее на русском языке не издавалась. По словам самого автора, в ней ему хотелось со-единить «полезное с приятным», т. е. представить читателю полезные сведения в увлекательном изложении. Как видно из оглавления, книга посвящена тематике, владение которой обязательно для шахматистов II-III разрядов. Шахматисты I разряда окинут свежим взглядом уже усвоенные принципы и найдут для себя немало полезного для дальней-шего усиления игры.

Помимо практической пользы (прежде всего) читатель получит не-сомненное удовольствие от изучения как малоизвестных, так и класси-ческих примеров, которые в своем фирменном стиле прокомментировал гуру шахматной литературы.

Варианты проверил с помощью компьютера и внёс необходимые уточнения международный мастер Григорий Богданович, его коммента-рии выделены в основном тексте курсивом.

64,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
The Exchange Sacrifice Unleashed - Georg Mohr (K-6283) The Exchange Sacrifice Unleashed - Georg Mohr (K-6283) -20%
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The Exchange Sacrifice Unleashed - Georg Mohr (K-6283)

- Compensation is a chess concept that we only fully understand when we enter the world of serious chess.

- The relative value of pieces is perhaps the most difficult chess concept of all to explain.

- It is one that every player must feel and believe in and can only be accepted with the help of our own practice, and when we feel it come together as though a part of us.

- Why so much talk about such or similar sacrifices? Quite simply because we are afraid! We have been taught, and practice shows and proves the clear fact, that the closer we get to the last part of the game, the ending, the more pronounced a material advantage becomes.

- If in the middlegame we can still hope for sudden turns, for the influence of other pieces, this is negligible in the endgame.

- Maybe less so with tactical sacrifices, where we immediately see what the sacrificer gets in return.

- How can we not accept the rook that the opponent offers us, when there is nothing concrete to see? One or two weaknesses perhaps, but they can be eliminated, and the material advantage and a secure victory in the endgame remains.

143,20 zł Cena podstawowa 179,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Black & White Magic - Axel... -20%
  • -20%

Black & White Magic - Axel Smith (K-6274)

During his long journey as a chess player and coach, GM Axel Smith came to the realization that understanding colour-complex strategies is one of the key differences between strong and weak players. After many years of delivering lectures and training material to his students, Smith produced a Chessable course on the topic, which has been extensively edited and reorganized by Quality Chess to produce this book.

In these pages, the award-winning author breaks down colour complexes into various sub-topics such as blockades, opposite-coloured bishops and exchange sacrifices, with carefully chosen exercises to test and reinforce the reader’s newfound understanding. Use Black & White Magic to improve your chess strength!

89,60 zł Cena podstawowa 112,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
Squeeze Play - Cyrus Lakdawala (K-6246) -20%
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Squeeze Play - Cyrus Lakdawala (K-6246)

How often have you seen a game like this?

The hero has no advantage whatsoever but somehow manages to keep setting the opponent problems. Their opponent goes slightly astray and suddenly hero has a tiny advantage. It’s not much but now that they have a little something to work with, they are in their element. They play accurately and remorselessly and make life incredibly difficult for their opponent. Suddenly, and almost imperceptibly, their advantage increases. Further tiny inaccuracies follow, hero turns the screw and bags the full point. Their opponent is left shaking their head, wondering where on earth they went wrong.

95,20 zł Cena podstawowa 119,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Taimanov Bible | Wydanie 2 - Robert Markus (K-6262)

Wydanie 2 - poprawione i rozszerzone

In addition to the basic Taimanov ideas we had to keep, we followed – in an original manner – our two main concepts: ‘almost never play an early …d6’ (Scheveningen-style) and ‘push …h5 whenever you can’ (Paulsen-style).

164,00 zł
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Supreme Chess Understanding - Statics & Dynamics - Wojciech Moranda (K-6261)

The distinction between strategy and tactics is one of the first things any chess player learns about, but have you ever heard about statics and dynamics before? Did you know that nearly every critical decision you take in a game of chess is governed by the rules of the so-called static/dynamic balance? If not, for the sake of your own chess development, you might want learn more about it from this very book!

164,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

System londyński w 12 lekcjach + ćwiczenia - Oskar de Prado (K-6234)

Podręcznik strategii i taktyki szachowej.

В последнее время лондонская система все чаще применяется на практике, и причины этого очевидны. Белые могут опровергнуть почти любой ответ противника на 1.d4 с помощью надежных и простых в освоении вариантов. В процессе у вас появится выбор между стратегическим подходом и более агрессивной тактической игрой, и при этом вам не придется изучать все тома по дебютной теории! Идеальный вариант для шахматистов, у которых не так много времени на тщательный анализ.

64,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Chess Bible – Most Instructive Tips - Vishnu Warrier (K-6201)

What's the most effective book for your level or the most effective course to get? As a Grandmaster and chess coach, who left his cozy life and started a company with a mission to help chess lovers unlock their full potential, I'm very happy that in the chess world there are people like Vishnu and that you picked his book.

169,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Wszystkie gambity szachowe. Strategia szybkich wygranych - N. Kaliniczenko (K-6158)

Книга представляет собой путеводитель, охватывающий все основные гамбиты и гамбитные системы. В нем представлены около 50 важнейших дебютных вариантов, где одна из сторон жертвует материал за инициативу. Материал рассчитан как для начинающих шахматистов, так и для более опытных игроков.

64,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

The Duel - The Parallel Lives of A. Alekhine & J. R. Capablanca (K-6148)

I am convinced that to cultivate the memory of the past and to study the classics is always useful and worthwhile, not least because it enables us to understand and face with greater awareness the facts and the problems of the present time. Much has already been written about the giants who have preceded us, and in particular, the Cuban, José Raúl Capablanca, and the Russo-Frenchman, Alexander Alekhine, but a new approach can surely offer different and interesting perspectives.

155,00 zł
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Pandemic Shark - A Journey Through the World of Chess Improvement - Daniel Gormally (K-6152)

Endgame theory teaches us two fundamental issues: First, how to extract the maximum from a basic theoretical position with little material, where the experts (from practice comprising thousands of games) have reached definite conclusions. Second, the way in which we can handle an endgame, depending on the material remaining on the board, and the ideas and plans we should employ.

139,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

First Steps in Tactics - Część 1 - Thomas Luther (K-5816)

Thinkers Chess Academy with Grandmaster Thomas Luther

This book is written for chess friends who are beginners or hobby players without much experience and who want to improve to lower club level. If you are already somewhat stronger you may not like the idea of learning from scratch. But sometimes going a step back in order to take two steps forwards is a good idea.

135,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Elementy gry pozycyjnej - Gavizov Ravil (K-6134)

Книга задумана как учебное пособие по позиционной игре для начинающих шахматистов 3, 4, 5 годов обучения.

35,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Kingwalks - Yasser Seirawan, Bruce Harper (K-6082)

The Fearsome Fascination of Kingwalks!

Marching your king across the board – at times right through or into enemy lines – may be both exhilarating and terrifying. Nothing may be quite as satisfying as a majestic kingwalk across the board which brings you glorious victory. And nothing as tragicomic as a needless journey ending in epic failure.

116,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Strategia gry pionami od mistrza szachowego USA - Samuel Shankland (K-6072)

В шахматах нельзя брать ходы назад, но всегда можно вернуть фигуру на ее прежнее поле, хотя бы и ценой нескольких темпов. Пешки, с другой стороны, назад не ходят, поэтому любой пешечный ход - это решение навсегда. Игра пешками - один из наиболее трудных аспектов шахматной стратегии. Этим объясняется малое количество книг, написанных по данной теме. Сэм Шенкленд пошел своим путем - он разложил принципы пешечной игры на базовые элементы и на их основе построил стратегические направляющие, которые должен знать каждый грамотный шахматист.

64,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 
It is Never Too Late to... -25%
  • -25%

It is Never Too Late to Become a Grandmaster - Vladimir Okhotnic (K-6066)

“Chess is not for the faint of heart,” Steinitz once said. I agree 100%! Chess players do not need pumped up muscles, they need a stable neuropsychic organization. How else can you resist the constant pressure that every nerve cell of the player experiences? I don’t always like this constant struggle with the stress that hangs over you, especially when you are wrong in a winning position. And in recent years, another “problem” has been added – incredibly powerful computer engines that younger opponents skillfully use in preparation for the game. But when you win a beautiful game or use a theoretical novelty invented at home (albeit with the help of a computer), or defend a difficult hopeless position, how great it is! And at such moments you don’t think what chess is – it is science, art or sport. At times like these, they are just part of your life.” ~ Vladimir Okhotnic

117,00 zł Cena podstawowa 156,00 zł
0 Opinia(e) 

Forgotten Genius - The Life and Games of Grandmaster Albin Planinc - G. Mohr & A. Mikhalchishin (K-6065)

This fascinating biography of over eighty-five annotated games and stories are being presented by grandmasters Georg Mohr and Adrian Mikhalchishin. It covers Planinc’ entire life and chess career, including his most fascinating games. This fitting tribute of a forgotten chess genius should be found in anyone’s chess library. Thanks to this colorful book Albin Planinc will continue to inspire us all and will keep his spirit alive.

156,00 zł
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